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The main ingredient in PLEXUS Slim is *Alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant. When I began taking PLEXUS Slim a year ago, I had been on an alpha lipoic acid supplement for over a year. I was also skeptical because I was already taking a vast amount of supplements on a daily basis. Three days into taking PLEXUS Slim I had increased stamina and was sleeping better. My biggest improvement came after a few weeks when I was able to bend up and down for the first time in years, without feeling dizzy and lightheaded. PLEXUS Slim has become a regular part of my daily protocol and I’m thrilled to be able to share it with you all. […] Read more…

Envita Medical

In this episode, Aaron and Sarah talk about the primary treatments used at Envita Medical for treating neurological Lyme disease. Sarah went to treatment in 2013 for late-stage neurological Lyme disease and Envita saved her life. After being reinfected in 2018 she returned and did a second round of treatment in 2019 […] Read more…

The POWER Of Chemical Free Kangen Water

It does this with NO chemicals so it is ideal for people with chemical sensitivities. It is also ideal for people like myself who do not want the fluoride and chlorine for health related issues. This water has changed the way we do almost everything around the house. I use this alkaline and antioxidant rich water to extend the life of my produce, chemical free skin care routine, cleaning, hair care along with colonics and enemas… […] Read more…

Lyme and Children

The CDC says that Lyme disease is most common among boys aged 5-19. This age group is affected at three times the average rate of all other age groups. Around 25% of all reported cases are […] Read more…