There is so much evidence on the destructive nature of concussions. The movie Concussion” shows the long-term effects of living with brain damage. But did you know that Lyme-brain or brain-fog is real and bears similarities to concussions? It is true!
This episode was born out of the often tearful conversation between two brain damaged individuals. Both who were once confident and capable. After two different types of traumatic brain injuries, they were left to figure out the realities of life with brain damage.
Stephanie was the only other person in my life who understood the complexities, longevities, and frustrations of living below your full potential. For her, I was the only one who could sympathize with the confusion and complexity of trying to navigate the demands of life, while also shackled with short term memory loss, anxiety and the confusion associated with most traumatic brain injuries.
We both struggle with:
~working memory
~cognitive function
I tried to make sense of the mental dysfunction. Eventually, dysfunction became the norm, leaving me tearfully isolated and deeply alone in a reality I could no longer understand nor keep up with.
Cognitive impairments: Can include changes in thinking and reasoning skill and diminished learning ability. Varying degrees of problems may exist in long- and short term memory, attention, concentration, and communication skills, planning, problem-solving and abstract reasoning.
Executive Function: The ability to organize thoughts and work, to create plans and successfully execute them, to manage the administrative functions of one’s life.
DYSFUNCTION-Making sense of the dysfunction
~(Even fun things are stressful)
-eye doctor
EMOTIONS- Understand how your body deals with emotions.
~Failure to adapt
~Maladaptive stress disorder
~Cognitive function
~Executive function
Out of sight, out of mind. Vision is one of our 5 senses. We live in a world based on visual perceptions.
~You have so little to show for the magnitude of effort you have put forth
Transitions are hard and even harder to articulate. They are hard to experience, hard to articulate the stress you feel while doing basic tasks, and the people around you don’t understand your struggle.


  • Lyme Voice on Facebook: 
  • Contact Envita Medical for your personalized Lyme Disease Treatment Options:

1-866-830-4576- “Going to Envita was one of the best things I did to restore my brain function. After two weeks of treatment and two treatments of the neurological repair program, I could think for the first time in years. I could articulate and follow along in a conversation without getting lost along the way.” -Sarah Schlichte Sanchez

  • Facebook: Sarah Schlichte Sanchez

  • Disappearing from Society, a look into life with chronic Lyme disease:

Check out this great episode on Living Beyond Brain Fog


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